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Monday, October 17, 2011

Numbers to remember

126 and helps that they're so similar so remembering them should be easy.

Lately it seems that it's all the rage to name your restaurant, bar, or similar cross-over establishment by its location/address, as in 126 in Iowa City, 129 in LeClaire, Sixteen in the Trump Hotel and Towers and NoMi in Chicago. As the name tells you its location, this clever albeit unoriginal approach has my seal of approval. After all, I would prefer to remember one thing instead of two.

As for these two locations, they also have my Seal of Approval. I won't go into lengthy reviews at this time but I will say for a new, stylish, and cozy wine bar that specializes in recent hallmark vintages I recommend 129 in LeClaire, at the corner of Main St and Jones, just down from another perennial favorite the Faithful Pilot. The personal tastes of the owner, Kevin Takes, are highlighted and encompass the majority of offerings which for the most part aren't available at most wine shops in the QCA (at least not these vintages). Their bar doesn't offer only wine either - you can get cocktails and coffee as well and their by the glass list changes weekly. If you need a bit on which to nosh, complimentary appetizers and sweets are available courtesy of the Faithful Pilot...and if you buy a bottle you can take it to FP to have with dinner for NO corkage fee! (did I mention FP's another fav of mine?). The only thing to be aware of is the relatively limited seating if you're bringing a group of people...and they are closed Mondays. Otherwise, you owe it to yourself to check out 129.

As for 126, located at 126 E. Washington in Iowa City (, I was quite pleased with dinner there not long ago. Their menu changes periodically (the one listed now is already slightly different than the one I saw) and like 129 it's cozy and quaint but in an almost Pacific Northwest-Seattle-esque feel, very fitting for the hip and upscale ped mall area in which it's located.
I'm not sure I'd refer to this as "fine dining" per se though the wine list is surprisingly upscale especially considering it's largely collegiate patronage. There are some very classic, quite expensive choices from which to choose, many of which aren't available anywhere in the QCA. While these probably aren't purchased often, it's nice to seem them available.
The menu selections while not numerous are a cross between classic American fare and "nouveau European." Their execution is for the most part spot-on and I would definitely check them out if you're a wine geek like me and want an admirable list from which to find good pairings.

Again, if I had to cite any "negatives" it would be the size/tight-fit factor...and with the largely hard surfaces the noise factor can also ramp up quickly if the dining room is full. I will say at my visit our server whom I recognized from when he worked at Savitris (now the Phoenix in downtown Davenport) moved us to a booth from a two top in the middle of the room which greatly enhanced the comfort of our dining experience.

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