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Friday, May 27, 2011

The Results Are In...

...and the winner for "Where would you go for you last meal in the QCA" is....a tie.  Of the whopping SEVEN votes cast, equally chosen at one a piece were: Biaggis, Red Crowe, Duck City, Bass St Chophouse, Woodfire Grille, LeFigaro, and My Kitchen.

A few observations:
1) SEVEN votes?!  Of over 350 page views in a week, SEVEN votes?  Really?  Obviously those aren't all unique/separate individuals but still...SEVEN?  Ugggh.  C'mon people, form an opinion and make it known lest people like me make it for you (actually not a bad idea as I think about it).
2) Chateau Burke was not chosen - to the seven voters, in the words of the Trumpster, you're fired.
3) My Kitchen - now theoretically the "My" could refer to the Chateau, as "my" could be me.  On the other hand, as the person reading the poll it could be construed as meaning YOUR kitchen; fair enough. Either way, only one of you chose it....apparently cooking at home is rapidly becoming a lost art if the SEVEN votes cast are any indication. Maybe I need to dedicate more column space to the art and science of cooking and entertaining vs ordering and tipping.

As for the restaurants chosen, I can't say I disagree though some would be higher on my list than others for SURE.  Red Crowe - higher.  Biaggis (anymore) - lower....which is sad as that's where I cut my teeth on wine tasting, ordering/tipping etiquette and food/wine pairing.  A shout-out to "Big" Don Rhode for his tutelage, guidance and most of all being a fellow wino extraordinaire.  As I always say, the only thing better than great wine is shared wine.

Have a festively fun Memorial Day weekend my friends....and please DO something I wouldn't do.

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