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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Pomegranate Molasses reduction sauce in time for Summer

To remedy yet another long sabatical I thought I'd share a recent sauce I "discovered" (more like modified as it's certainly not completely original).

If you want to try a new sauce for steaks, chops, ribs etc be them venison, beef, or pork try this one.

3/4 cup pomegranate juice
1/4 cup port wine (you could substitute a hearty red such as cab or red zinfandel)
1/4 cup molasses
2 tablespoons honey
one whole/unchopped rosemary stalk
two whole/unchopped sage leave stalks
one clove minced garlic
medium size bunch of unchopped parsley
cayenne pepper to taste

Cook your chosen protein as you normally would; grilling, roasting, etc.

Combine the first four ingredients above in a sauce pan (the wider/bigger the better for reducing) and simmer on medium heat not quite to a boil.  Continue reducing and add the remaining four ingredients, making sure to continually stir and avoid a rolling boil. Think "low and slow". 

I don't have a definite amount of time as different pan sizes and desired quantity varies.  I find 30-45 minutes seems to work.   Strain/remove the solids when the sauce reduces by half or a little more. Return the sauce to the pan and turn heat to lowest setting and continue stirring occasionally.  If you want to thicken you could add some butter. To thin it I find  Breckenridge Vanilla Porter or the like does the trick and imparts related flavor. Alternately you could add more wine but I wouldn't add more pomegranate juice unless you really want that flavor. (You could actually modify the ingredients above: cut the wine volume to 1/8 cup and use 1/8 cup Vanilla Porter.)

If you want to use this as a glaze or barbecue-type sauce let it thicken more so.

I also find it works well to marinate the meat in the poma-red wine mixture along with sprinkling it with salt if you want to tenderize/impart the flavors more intensely. 

If you try it let me know what you think.  Bon Appetit'!!

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