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Saturday, May 21, 2011

St Ambrose Wine Fest...or the "So Much For The Rapture, Let's Get Drunk Fest"

It's today at 3 p.m. my friends....well, assuming it's not rained out.  It'll be a wet and wild time regardless.

Admission is $45; that's a lot you might be thinking, for a wine tasting in the rain.  Well let's apply just a tiche of math to this:
There's 120 wines appearing today;  there's about three tastes to a regular glass which means if you actually taste all 120 wines you'll have had ~40 glasses - pretty good right?  Even better once you realize you're only paying $1.13 per glass AND all the delicious delights provided by proximal purveyors (aka restaurants for those of you who watch Jersey Shore).   Now that's MY idea of getting more "bang for your buck".  And in this case, literally.
I'll be on the lookout for some new gems...and some good wines too.  Join me why don't you?


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