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Friday, May 20, 2011

The Premier Post.....

....from the QCA's newest epicurean enthusiast.  As I was partaking in The Faithful Pilot's "Tribute to the French Laundry" wine dinner last night I got to thinking - what this area needs, among other things, is a true food and wine enthusiast's take on the dining scene....where to go, where NOT to go, what to try, what to run screaming away from, servers and managers that are worthy of your gracious gratuity, hidden gems from wine lists, and clunkers that make white zinfandel look like vintage port by comparison.  

This is my first blogging attempt so to any veterans out there, feel free to share your layout, design and subject matter ideas with me.  I will be happy to politely blow them off or in the rare case that you come up with something I haven't thought of, actually consider it albeit with a skeptical eye.

Also, as I am NOT a professional "foodie" in the traditional sense, this is not an "A" List but instead my take on the "B" List (a shout out to the lovely and gracious Sarah Bush for the idea).  To make this list will either be a feather in the proverbial cap or a stab in the back of anyone or anyplace mentioned. 

With that let's get started; see the poll below.....


  1. Is your poll preparing people for The Rapture?

    Joking aside, blog away!

  2. I hadn't even thought of that JH, excellent point! At least if it happens I can cross blogging off my bucket list.
