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Monday, May 23, 2011

Eight hours to go four blocks....

....SAU Winefest continued. 
After spending some quality time learning about the Hollen Family Vineyards as the event closed I began my short walk home,  a mere four blocks away. But wait - what's that I spy?!? Could it be? A couple friends had absconded with a bottle of that winery's chenin blanc, a light, crisp white similar to the more popular sauvignon blanc, displaying a hint of citrus and grapefruit. (sidebar: usually you would associate chenin blanc with South Africa not South America). 

Salvation was indeed at hand....I of course availed myself of said flavors to the incredulous chagrin of my friends....but nonetheless they insisted I join them for our own Winefest sequel. So off we went, spilling into a Mercedes (better his than mine), an empty chenin blanc bottle in our wake.

I'm going to sum up the next eight hours to go four blocks in 12 words:

Italy + Spain --> Spillage. Walk.....Village + Chicago --> Spillage 2.0.  Volvo.....bowling + singing sisters -->Chateau.

There of course are myriad details that even the enlightened reader would find, let's just say, scandalously sordid.  However as a footnote I will say this:  John at 11th St - invest in bigger wine glasses. Soon. 

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